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E-SKOLE 01-12.pdf

ICT Županija
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Ispis statistike od 10. 7. 2011.

Ukupno: 536868
Ovaj mjesec: 336
Ovaj tjedan: 369
Danas: 60

O projektu 

Despite the large sums spent on the risk prevention, there are certain sectors where the results are very poor and the number of accidents are very high. This is the case with the natural stone placement in the construction world where, in spite of conducting continual training campaigns, the indices of accidents and professional disease continue to be very high in most European countries. The characteristics of the materials, stone pieces, and the work conditions such as bad climate conditions or important heights, cause the risk of accidents to be very high during the placement process, since we are dealing with products whose weight and dimensions are beyond the ability of people: ashlars, columns, slabs, etc.

In general, construction workers don’t have specific training, learning their job on the own building process. Security courses are very short, they don’t achieve the basical skills to take safety and healthy with the importance it has. The lack of awareness leads them to overconfidence, this induce they don’t use most part of the time their protection equipment, and what is worse, often they don’t know it.

Safety and health risks are a fact in all constructions in all countries, but the situation described before is severer in most of Eastern and Southern European countries, and without the correct equipment, workers have to deal with unnecessary risks.

The main risks workers faced in a building process, among others, are:  the dust produced by the cut of stone pieces, holes in the middle of constructions (like lift holes before the elevator is placed), level falls, object level falls, bad postures, heavy works, chemical products handling, the own weight of the materials, lifting handling like tower crane and trucks, danger of entrapment, etc.

Risks that every worker bear during the natural stone placement are the same for every country, they are “universals”, as the placing methods too, and that’s why there is a need to unify criteria with the rest of our European Community to form high quality professionals on the Security and Health field. Faced with this situation, shared by most European Union countries we have reached the conclusion that only with a totally focused methodology will it be possible to really have a positive impact in the sector.



The main aim of the project is the creation of totally innovative training material in 3D, based on transferring the experience of a previous transnational association working in the field of risk prevention for other sectors. It will allow different agents from the natural stone sector (professional associations, unions, administration) to achieve the desired impact in the numerous courses distributed within the European Union related to health and safety.

Parallel to this general aim, within the project there are a series of secondary and complementary objectives:

  • Identify relative risks to the most commons stone placing techniques, focusing on more of frequency and severity.
  • Identify how to implement the activities minimizing risks.
  • Develop multimedia material to make training and raising awareness activities easier.
  • Bring the products and activities developed to the identified target groups.




  • A deep research with associations of different countries of the safety and health risks that workers have to face during their job development.
  • Project’s diffusion on the Social Network and specialize press.
  • The project partners will bring together, in a general way, all those techniques used in different countries for the production on the main stone products. Although in general are quite similar, there are some differences from which the partners can obtain important information.
  • Compilation of European and Country-specific regulations relative to protection from risk measures to use in the placing methods in the natural stone construction.
  • Perform a study of natural stone working companies from the regions represented in the project, focusing on the main risk situations that appear during the processes of placement of the natural stone products. This study will cover three main areas: study of situations with highest risk of accident or injury; study of situations with highest risks and professional illness.
  • Perform a study on the current situation of the natural stone working companies in respect of their use of safety equipment.
  • To define the key situations to be covered in the multimedia material to be developed. Factors to be considered will be previously defined for this aim: frequency of the placing process; level of risk; frequency of non-use of safety measures; individual resistance to safety measures, etc.
  • To elaborate the training content related to those situations that have been defined previously as key situations.
  • Produce a computer based tool for training and raising awareness of the workers in the area of risk prevention. This tool will include 10 sketches based on the situation selected on the criteria mentioned in the previous section and will be designed for both, direct free use over the internet by the end user, and use as a support material in the numerous health and safety courses distributed within the natural stone and construction sector.
  • To promote the implementation of training courses based on the materials developed.
  • To promote the use of the materials developed among companies, unions, VET schools, public institutions and organizations related to the natural stone and construction sectors.
  • To promote a change of mindset in the sector and society in general with respect to health and safety measures.
  • With this project, users will be able to identify health and safety activities based on the actual regulations in the construction sector, measuring how important the prevention is.
  • To define general risks in the work area and so the prevention systems too.
  • To know the importance to keep in perfect conditions the Individual Protection Equipment.
  • To value the importance and the correct installation of the Collective Protection Equipment.
  • To define the importance and the need of use, site, installation and maintenance of auxiliary equipment, measuring if they are suitable with the work to do and if the workers use them correctly.



The main products that will be developed as part of the project are the following:

  1. A report about the main situations of risk in the stone placing process in the participating countries.
  2. A report about the degree of current use of protective measures and equipment, for environmental and health protection in the stone placing process.
  3. A 3D multimedia training tool including a total of 10 units of 120 seconds each of them.
  4. A wide dissemination of the project and project’s products, which will make this IT based tool available to all possible end users.

It should be noted that although this project will be focus in the stone placing process, most part of this safety and health measures can be extrapolated to other material products in the building process. This is very important because it goes further from its own content.



  • Deutscher Naturwerkstein-Verband E.V (DE)
  • BBS1 Mainz (DE)
  • CTM-Centro Tecnologico del Marmol y la Piedra (ES)
  • Klesarska škola (HR)
  • C.P.I.P.E. (IT)
  • Lycee Des Metiers Leonard De Vinci (FR)
3. sjednica konzorcija projekta SAFEPLACE -Murcia

3. sjednica konzorcija održana je u gradu Murciji na jugu Španjolske u Ceeim - Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Murcia. Calle Campus Universitario de Espinardo, 7, 30100, Espinardo, Murcia.

Na sastanku su definirani scenariji karakterisstičnih situacija na gradilištu te zaštitna oprema i postupci koji se u datim situacijama primjenjuju.

Predstavljeni su glavni likovi animacija za zaštitu na radu pri ugradnji kamena ta izgled gradilišta u kojem će se svi scenariji odvijati.

Naše likove predstavljamo i Vama.



2. sjednica konzorcija u Padovi

3. sjednica konzorcija održanaje u talijanskom gradu Padovi u Scuola Edile Padova – CPT, Via Basilicata 10 Camin Padova.

Klesarska škola prezentirala je relevantnu zakonsku podlogu u R. Hrvatskoj te karakteristične scenarije zaštite na radu pri ugradnji masivne klesarije: lukova, balustara i ostalih koristeći se niskim skelama.




Priloženi dokumenti:
Regulations Croatia.pdf

1. sjednica konzorcija u Pučišćima

1. sjednica konzorcija održana je u Klesarskoj školi u Pučišćima. Na sjednici su predstavljeni partneri na projektu, dogovorena pravila rada te podijeljeni zadaci za vrjeme trajanja projekta.




Videospot Ministarstva gospodarstva, poduzetništva i obrta za promociju strukovnog obrazovanja i deficitarnih zanimanja



Projekti i partneri

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